Day 3 - Decorating

Friday, December 2, 2011
I'm having a hard time making this challenge a habit.  I keep forgetting until it's rather late.  Maybe that's a good thing because I have the most trouble getting my images to come out when the lighting is so dark.  I don't want to have to use the flash so instead my images come out dark as well.  Hopefully, one day I'll get it right. 

My goal for today was to get at least one tree up and decorated.  My littlest granddaughter 'helped' me decorate the little tree.  She's 4 1/2 so you can imagine where all the decorations ended up.  =]  This picture was taken of her mother when she was 3 1/2.  My daughter made the ornament when she was 6.  My granddaughter wanted it prominantly displayed toward the top of the tree.

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