Thunder.... you know!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
 My oldest granddaughter during Thunder's last game to win the championship!

Thunder... you know!

(I have a long way to go as far as sports photography goes.  Guess I need to keep practicing)

It's a family affair with her parents and her grandpa coaching.  

Practicing her pitching skills for the last inning.  Sadly, when she was at the pitcher's mound, my settings were off so they were terrible.  :(

Raspberry Days at Bear Lake

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Well, we saw signs that said as much but didn't see any celebrations going on.  :)  

But the drive was beautiful and the raspberry shakes delicious!!

These guys weren't in any hurry to get out of our way..  lol

The reason we drove up in the first place.  Yum!!

More Savannah!

I'm officially obsessed with her. She's so cute!

I mean, come on, just look at that face!  :D

Little Savannah!

Monday, July 28, 2014
Her name is bigger than she is!  

What a cutie!  So happy my sister finally got herself a little friend to keep her company. 

Chillin' - Strawberry Reservoir

Sunday, July 27, 2014
Took a drive up to Strawberry Reservoir to have a delicious dutch oven dinner with my sister and her family.  It was nice to just unplug and chill.

Weekend Fun in the Sun!

Monday, July 21, 2014
Every year my sister, our daughters, my grandkids and I head up to Lava Hot Springs to spend the day swimming.  Fun times!  This year I didn't break out the camera except when we were under the easy up.  It was just SO hot!! 

The next day we headed to Cottonwood to watch our oldest granddaughter play in a softball tournament.  Her team ended up with the championship!  Woot Woot!  

Again... it was SO hot I never ventured down to get some shots of her playing. 

An Evening of Rock n Roll

Thursday, July 17, 2014
I love watching my awesome, beautiful, rockin' niece perform.  If you are in the Salt Lake area visit Lagoon on Wednesdays and you may catch her performing.  :)

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