Annual Lava Hot Springs Day 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012
Or maybe I should have called this album "AJ"...  It was his first 'offical' trip to Lava (last year he was in his mama's belly).  He seemed to like it....

His mama....., always working...

 And what a difference a year makes.  This year Marley would actually put her head in the water.  She even went down the kiddie slide and would jump into the water from the side of the pool.  She even let me and Braeden throw her into the water.  It was great fun!

Sweet Violet eClass - White Balance Assignment Indoors

Sweet Violet eClass - Redo

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Decided to try my indoor shots again, changing my white balance from Auto to manual.  Not that I can now remember which I ended up liking the best. It doesn't show in the properties.  Grrr!  Anyway, I think these are better than the original ones.

"Triplets" - Fav Shots

Monday, July 2, 2012
These are my favorite shots from today.  (btw, they aren't really triplets.  Twins and their older sister.  We like to call them the triplets because they are so close in age and so close as siblings.)

Trace's funny faces...

 Corbin's ice cream face....

 and Bailee's silly grin......

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