Holding Hands

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
My favorite image from today (even tho' it's a little blurry - I had very little time to adjust my camera.  Should have just used my phone..) 

Two little cousins...  So sweet..  It's going to be sad when he and his family leave later this week.  Even tho' there's a 4 yr age difference they got along so well. 

Family Pictures & Elijah's Birthday!

Monday, August 27, 2012
So, as mentioned in previous posts, my brother and his family are in town from England.  Sadly, they will be leaving in a couple of days.  Thought we should take this opportunity to get a family picture, since we have no idea when we will all be together again.  (Oh, and this isn't even the entire family.  3 people were missing for various reasons.  :( )  Anyway, it was fun trying to get it right.  I used a tripod and the timer.  So I had to run into the picture several times before we got it right.  The 'outtakes' were pretty hilarious.  Anyway, here's the final image, plus some more we took that evening. 

At the end of the shoot I noticed the light over by the side of the barn, so I grabbed Karson and took this shot. Loved the light in this one...

Lava Hot Springs!

Sunday, August 26, 2012
Had a great day at Lava Hot Springs with almost all of my family.  Sadly, I didn't take any photos.  Just didn't feel like it, I guess.  But, we did have so much fun!!

Helen & the EJs - Dinner at my house

Thursday, August 23, 2012
After a busy morning (birthday boy shoot) my brother and his family came over for dinner.  Can't believe it's almost over... they only have one week left before they leave...  :(

Some of my fav images from this evening...

Everyone staring at my husband playing on his 'toy' the excavator in our backyard... (Well, he did have Elijah on it with him and actually let Elijah pick up a few rocks with it.) too funny...

Then, of course, my brother had to get in on the "fun..." Us girls... we don't get it. lol

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