Helen and the EJs are here!

Monday, August 13, 2012
Ok, so I probably need to fill you in on what that means..  lol  My brother married a girl from Britain (he met her while stationed in England during his time in the Air Force).  My brother's name is EJ, which are initials for Earl James.  When they had their kiddos, they consequently decided to name them all EJ.  Ethen James, Emily Jane and Elijah John.  Hence, the EJs!  I thought it was cute.  :)

When my brother retired they all moved to England.. permanently. :(  But they are here for a visit!!!  Yay!!!  My brother has actually been back a couple times but the rest of the family we haven't seen for 5 years!  They flew in to Boston, then trekked all the way across the states in a rented RV!  How fun is that? Got to see old friends and lots of sightseeing along the way.  And we got to follow along with them whenever Emily was able to find wifi to post pictures on Instagram.  I love modern technology! 

It's really great seeing them again.    Next time...  it's our turn to go there!  Can't wait! 

Anyway, here is the only good image of their family I got from the day of their arrival.... :/  Need to do better than that, huh?
My brother...

I'm still struggling with my 'on the fly' or truly candid pictures.  I am shooting totally in manual including WB and I'm just not happy with how the pictures come out.  How do the rest of you photogs out there shoot during these types of scenarios?  Should I just switch to Aperture or Shutter Priority?  Help!!

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