
Sunday, January 29, 2012
This had to be my photo for today.  Had my oldest grandkids overnight.  My oldest granddaughter is always ready with a beautiful pose for me.  She's one of my favorite practice subjects..


When I was out purchasing my bonus room furniture at Ikea, I almost bought a couple of clip type lamps for the tables.  After seeing this I'm definitely getting a couple...


Friday, January 27, 2012
Altho', I'm totally ready for spring to get here, I love my collection of snowmen.  I have them all over the house.  They make me happy.


Thursday, January 26, 2012
Not sure what I was trying to accomplish here...  But I liked it.  (Altho', clearly, I need to vacuum.  lol)

Pre-school Science Fair

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Went to my youngest granddaughter's 'science fair' today.  Sooo cute!  (I know I'm biased but... see how well she writes?  She's only 4 1/2 and she can read as well!) 


Sunday, January 22, 2012
I've decided I really need to get out more.  To look at my "365" posts so far, you see that I'm still not very creative.  Oh well....

Anyway, I really don't mind doing laundry, but I definitely HATE putting it all away...

Friends Marathon

Saturday, January 21, 2012
Haven't felt like doing much today.  Tried to finish up the last piece of furniture I have to assemble for the bonus room but ended up watching Friends and playing Angry Birds on my iPad instead.  I sure hope I feel better tomorrow...


Friday, January 20, 2012
Got a visit from my little grandson today but because I'm sick I couldn't hold him or kiss his little face.  So he sat in the bouncy chair for the better part of the visit.  =[  Good thing he likes it.


Thursday, January 19, 2012
It was another sick day for me.  That's twice in a month I've gotten sick.  This better be it for this season... 

It was a good day for being curled up by the fire, tho'...


Tuesday, January 17, 2012
It is FREEZING in my house.  Not sure what my husband is trying to do but he needs to quit turning it down so low!  I'm turning it up!!

Assembly Required

Sunday, January 15, 2012
Redoing my 'grandkid room' aka bonus room.  My goal... to get all the Ikea pieces put together, paint a chalkboard wall, create a 'crafting' area, hang pictures of the kiddies including leaving a space just for their artwork and organizing all the toys - all in the next two weeks.  Phew!

2 pieces down, 10 to go.... 


Saturday, January 14, 2012
Where I bought everything but the kitchen sink... (which I totally could have, had I needed one.  hee hee)  Taken w/my phone.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Went to the show with the girls to see 'The Descendants.'  Good movie, kind of a downer (subject matter)...

Lookng forward to 'The Hunger Games.'


Sunday, January 8, 2012
Finally sold my 25 yr old shrunk (i.e. Belgian wall unit/entertainment center).  Now I get to go to IKEA and buy something new!  Yay!


Friday, January 6, 2012
Decided I need to get out more.  Get some more landscape shots aside from those around my house.  In the meantime, here is another shot of my littlest grandson since I spent the afternoon with him again because his momma just had to use up some spa gift certificates.  I'm just jealous...  lol  Anyway, I love spending time with my grandkids. 


Monday, January 2, 2012
I don't like the word 'resolution' so I am not making any this year.  Instead I want to try to make some lifestyle changes.  #1 - Getting Healthy!  I could make excuses.... foot surgeries, the fact that the equipment is in the cold, unfinished basement, I work long hours...  any excuse will do..  But I'm done with all that.  So, first up...  dusting off the old treadmill, then actually getting on it...

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