Day 1 - Starting Out

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
So, I'm still trying to figure out this photography obsession of mine.  I think I'm getting better but feel I'm sorely lacking in the creativity department.  So I googled 'sparking my creativity' (seeing as I'm the google queen according to my daughter - I google EVERYTHING!)  And while I think I'm not creative at all, I did come across an article that said otherwise.  I tried to find it again so I could post a link here, but alas, I couldn't.  Anyway, it made me think maybe my creativity is hidden somewhere deep inside me and is just waiting to come out.  So I decided to try one of the challenges I found during my google search.  I'm going to try to take one photo a day for 365 days!  Augh!!  Can I do it?  Well, I'm going to try.  These first ones will probably be so boring but I hope to improve each day... after all, that is the point, isn't it?

This is a picture of the tree in the lot next to us.  I thought it looked interesting against the cloudy/hazy skies to the west of us. 

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