Day 27 - Clean!!

Monday, December 26, 2011
I love a clean kitchen!  Things have been so hectic these last few days.  It felt good to get the house cleaned up and now I can actually see the whole countertop.  Yay!

On a side note.  I recently bought a new D700.  I started this blog about the same time mainly to improve my creativity.  (Not that I don't need improvement all around. As a matter of fact, most of the recent holiday posts were taken w/my not so old, sometimes malfunctioning D90....  on AUTO no less.  Argh!  And, of course, I hate the way most of those shots look...)  Anyway, the reason I resorted to my D90 was I didn't want to screw up holiday shots I would never be able to recapture.  My point.... I need TONS of help mastering the indoor shots.  I don't feel they are nearly as clear or sharp as they should be.  Help!  I can't seem to grasp what it is I need to do to make them as sharp as my outdoor shots (aside from setting up a tripod but how do you get candids with a tripod)  So, I've decided to add another challenge within this challenge.  I saw this on and it's called "31 Days to a Better Photo"  Today's photo was shot in Shutter Priority.   

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