Day 2 - Lights Out

Thursday, December 1, 2011
I almost didn't get a picture at all for day 2 (which was yesterday).  First of all I can't take a camera into my work... that means my phone as well.  And at home, our power was out for 12+ hrs so by the time I got home it was pitch black up here.  (And if I'm honest, there was so much going on yesterday that I really forgot until after I'd gotten home  :/)  We had some crazy, crazy hurricane force winds yesterday.  The drive home was interesting to say the least.  Stop and go all the way.  Huge trees totally uprooted.  Saw a car that was completely smashed by one.  In retrospect there were several opportunities to take a picture with my phone but really.. I just wanted to get home and out of the wind.  So this is all I was able to come up with. 

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