Playing with some new toys

Friday, January 10, 2014
I recently purchased a new.... I'm going to call it a 'mini' DSLR.  It's the Nikon Coolpix P330 and it's so cool!

I really want to be able to take a picture every day but sometimes it's really hard for me to pull out my big girl camera in public.  I can't explain it, I guess I just feel self conscious.

I started looking for a smaller camera that I can carry in a normal purse, even a small one.  Without all the added paraphanelia that goes along with my big camera.  I'd like to take it everywhere, even to the grocery store.  But I also want to have complete control over the images I take.  So, after some research, I chose the Nikon Coolpix P330.  I can shoot completely in manual (it also has Aperture Priority, Shutter Speed Priority and Program Modes) with an added bonus, it shoots in RAW!

Here is a photo I took after a recent snowstorm.  It's a familiar scene.  (Lightly edited, using only a single levels layer to add a bit of contrast.  Then warmed it up a touch with a warming filter.  And I did this with another recent, fun purchase. Adobe Photoshop Touch for iPad!)

Came out pretty good, don't you think?

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