Happy 2014!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014
So... I've really neglected this blog of late.  (Not that anyone is looking, anyway.. :/). But it's a new year and I've decided to make some major improvements!  In my life, my health and my photography (and maybe figure out this blogging thing, too).

This past fall season was my busiest ever for photo sessions.  Everyone wanted family pictures including Christmas cards.  One lesson learned...  Next year, determining, and sticking to, a deadline for those Christmas cards.  Fortunately, I managed to get those images out to my clients but with Thanksgiving and Christmas, I struggled to keep up with the rest.

Then, the worst thing ever happened!  My computer bombed!  Right in the middle of a session I was editing!  (I was thanking my lucky stars that I'd purchased a new external hard drive w/cloud capabilities just a few weeks before.  So I didn't lose a thing.  Phew!). Still very frustrating!  It had been giving me problems, but I just thought it needed to be cleaned.  After it shut down on me 4 times in a half hour, I got fed up and took it in.  Turns out the fans weren't even working.  As a result, it had to be sent out for repair.  For TWO WEEKS!!  Talk about stress!

On the one hand, it's a good thing.  My arm is healing nicely from the steroid injection I got 6 weeks ago to speed up the healing of my tennis elbow.  So, being unable to edit just adds lots of rest time for my arm.  On the other hand, it's stressing me out not being able to complete those final images for my clients.

I've also decided to attempt a few photo challenges this year.  After all, the title of this blog is 'Photo a Day,' isn't it?  I have been taking pictures since the new year began, so once I get my computer back (and I've completed my other photography obligations), I will begin posting them.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy a little relaxation and down time from editing, editing, editing.  Maybe I'll read a book!

Here's to brand new beginnings!  Happy New Year!

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