
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
When we woke this morining, the sun was shining (we'd expected cloudy skies) but the temperature had dipped down quite a bit.  

We didn't let that stop us,tho'.  We checked out of the hotel and headed out to see what we could before heading home.

As I'd mentioned in a previous post, we were visiting during the off season.  That meant we didn't get to see the shoot out on the street, the tours and the re-enactment of Wild Bill being shot. :(  We were able to stop in and see The Gem Saloon, the actual location where Wild Bill HIckok was shot, visit the Adams Museum and the cemetery where Wild Bill, Calamity Jane and Seth Bullock are buried.  

We weren't quite prepared for the cemetery tour, tho'.  The cemetery was HUGE and located in the hills overlooking the city of Deadwood.  It was very pretty, but quite steep.  Of course, we were dressed for spring.  lol  Which meant no coats and more importantly - no hiking shoes.

We found Wild Bill and Calamity Jane's burial sites fairly easily.

 But we had to really hike up the mountain to see Seth Bullock's grave site.   It was worth it even if only for the exercise we got.  lol  After all, we had decided to make our way back home that day and that meant sitting in the car for hours.  (I like to think of the positives :))

Once we'd seen everything we wanted to see we decided to head on out.  It was almost lunch time before we left Deadwood, so we decided to make it to Casper WY and stay the night.  We didn't relish driving till 10/11pm.

After we were settled into our hotel we decided to see a movie to kill time.  When we came out of the theater, it was SNOWING!!

We should have known...

Devil's Tower, Sturgis, Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse & Deadwood!

Monday, April 29, 2013
First stop - Gillette, SD - where we spent the night.  It was getting dark when we arrived so we waited till the morning to head out to Devil's Tower.  It's pretty awesome to see in person...

(no 'close encounters', tho')

As we made our way up to Deadwood, we decided we might as well do a 'drive by' of Sturgis.  Not much going on at the time (of which we were kinda grateful for since both of us are very much NON motorcycle enthusiasts  lol), so it was pretty quiet.

Once we arrived in Deadwood, we checked in to the Bullock Hotel.  We hear Seth Bullock still walks the hallways...

After we checked in we decided we walked the town a little.  Since this was such an impromptu trip, turns out we went in the off season (off-off season, I'd say).  So it was really quiet as well.  Not a lot going on.  Some restaurants were even closed.

The weather was beautiful, tho, and the forecast for the following day was rainy and cold.  We decided to take advantage and headed on over to Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse.

Mt Rushmore was awesome!  I took so many pictures from all different angles.  I especially liked how they created 'catch lights' in the eyes.  So cool!!

We wanted to come back at night to see it when the lights come on but the weather decided to turn a bit early.  So we headed back to Deadwood for the night.

Road Trip!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013
My sister and I are heading off on a road trip.  We originally hijacked my folks' trip to Tennessee to see our brother and his wife.  They live in England and are in Tennessee for their best friends' daughter's wedding.  Well, two days before we were to head out my dad came down with a case of shingles.  So, needless to say, the trip got cancelled.  

But my sister and I decided we'd embark on a little road trip ourselves.  After internet searching for a location we decided on Deadwood, SD.  Why Deadwood?  Besides being BIG fans of the HBO series, there is also Mt Rushmore, the Badlands and Devil's Tower.  All places we've never seen before.  So, we're pretty excited!

(Phone pics)

First the long drive through Wyoming..  A whole lotta nothing...  lol  

Burger Bar

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Lunch at one of my hubby's favorite places.  He's been eating here for as long as he can remember. 

(another phone pic)

5K Color Blast Fundraiser for Mar's School

Friday, April 26, 2013
A little fundraiser for Marley's school.  We had a good time and I think there was a good turnout.

(a very blurry phone pic)

Hidden Treasure

Thursday, April 25, 2013
While out for a hike today I found this.  Wonder why I never noticed it before?

(taken w/phone)

Feeling Good!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I am finally starting to get a handle on the pleurisy pain I've been suffering from since early March!  It was such a beautiful day I decided to join my husband for another hike.  

It seems I really like dead or almost dead trees.  I sure do take a lot of pictures of them.  lol 

Play Ball!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
It's a sad day when the little league parents need a sign to remind them that it's just a game.  

(taken w/my phone)

A Boy and his Big Sister

Monday, April 22, 2013
Baby brother looks up to his big sister.  Here he is imitating her playing the Wii.  So cute!  (Sorry for the bad pic - taken with my phone and had to take it quickly.)

Sleepover time! (Pt 2)

Sunday, April 21, 2013
Fun time with my middle grandkids.  Putting together the Legos I got the boys for their birthday and playing outside.  

It was a gorgeous day!

Had to include this phone pic of the bouquet of 'flowers' they picked for me from our backyard.  LOL

Sleepover Time!

Saturday, April 20, 2013
One of these days I'll figure out the trick to elliciting a smile out of her.  

She's my toughest nut to crack.  lol 

Her brothers are a little easier...  :)

Cleaning.. Ugh! (Oh and cupcakes!)

Friday, April 19, 2013
Preparing for a visit from 3 little people.  We missed the twins' birthday due to the funeral.  So, we are having them and their sister over for a sleepover tomorrow night.  I thought it'd be fun to make them some cupcakes.


Thursday, April 18, 2013
Went to In n Out Burger today as we headed down to City Creek for some shopping.  Always a fun time with my sister.  

Loved the look of this chair in Nordstrom.

Marley at Kindergarten Play Reading

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
My youngest granddaughter has been attending a Montesorri School since she was around 18 mos old.  She really thrived in that environment and was reading long before she entered Kindergarten.  As a result, when she started Kindergarten she was reading at almost a 3rd grade level.  Her school has a program for kids like her and today we were invited to see her and a few other students do a play reading to show off their reading skills.   She did great! 

 (pics taken w/my phone - hence the blurred one.  :/)

Still looking for signs of spring

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
I wasn't sure if this is a weed or not.  But I liked the texture.  And it is green.. in our backyard sea of brown rocks, dirt and dead trees. 

Crazy (typical) Utah Weather

Monday, April 15, 2013
Such lovely weather we have had on this fine spring day...

One minute, sunny, then snowy, then sunny again. 

On another sad note, our thoughts and prayers go out to Boston.  I am just baffled by what is going on in our world these days. 

Just Chilin' - Home Sweet Home

Sunday, April 14, 2013
There's no place like home.  

(Taken w/my phone)

Even tho' all we've done is eat out I still took the easy way out one more time.  


Friday, April 12, 2013
It's been a rough couple of days.  After the the lovely memorial and funeral, we headed out to my husband's stepmom's house for a Bar-B-Q.

I have to admit something, I wanted to take more pictures.  But for some reason, I was super hesitant.  I guess I wasn't sure if it was right.  But I did see other people with their point and shoots out. 

My husband and his sons.  Lookin' sharp.

My husband and his siblings.

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