18 - Today is... - FMS Photo a Day

Sunday, January 18, 2015
...the day I start drinking more water.

(For some reason I deleted this pic from my gallery.. Had to steal it from my Instagram. Sheesh! 😳)

Flickr Black & White Challenge (Day 1)

Sunday, January 4, 2015
My brother over on Flickr recently challenged me to a 5 day black and white challenge.

I thought I would share my photos here as well. 

Some of these will be old and some new.

Day 1

This first one was taken on New Year's Day when I had her and her brother overnight.  I've been wanting to photograph her in her mother's wedding dress for awhile and thought I better get it done before she gets too much older.

She was pretty funny.  She didn't want me to do anything with her hair.  So I went with it.  After we were done, she didn't want to take the dress off.  

It will be fun to pull these out again on her wedding day.

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